a legendary tale
a legendary tale

About musical

From creators of the most popular Russian musicals Count Orlov and Anna Karenina.

Monte Cristo musical is the first completely original Russian performance created based on the world classic. Monte Cristo is a legendary tale of love, betrayal and revenge. Amazing music, fabulous voices, spectacular choreography, dazzling costumes and set design – the iconic performance allows nobody to stay indifferent!

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We are always ready to offer exclusive group booking and event management options for organizations, tourist agencies, and educational institutions.



6, Bolshaya Dmitrovka Str, Moscow
Okhotny Ryad
Okhotny Ryad


Daily from 10:00 AM until 8:00 PM
We are looking forward to collaborations and long-term partnerships!

Monte Cristo musical is the first completely original Russian performance created based on the world classic. Monte Cristo is a legendary tale of love, betrayal and revenge. The fate of a young open-hearted sailor who became an innocent victim of malicious intrigues forms the core of the story. He was slandered and forgotten, however, many years later he returns to prompt a number of exposures in the fancy-ball whirl.

Together with the characters of the Monte Cristo musical, the audience will travel in time and space, visiting the dazzling fancy-ball, mysterious Chateau d’If, and even the ship of smugglers out at sea. The soul-stirring and shattering events enchant and fascinate!

Featuring Moscow musical scene stars Valerie Lanskaya, Igor Balalaev, Dmitry Ermak, Lika Rulla, Alexander Marakulin, and others.